Intense Energies Ahead… Source:

We have major energies coming our way starting March 16 so pay attention and be open to whatever comes your way. Use these special moments to incorporate these energies from the heavens and complete your work to take your power back. Lets work hard to clear out unwanted baggage and spring forward into a new and more powerful way of being. So get ready. The time is almost upon us. We are the ones we have been waiting for, don’t forget that!

Thanks to:

We also have this information which I find interesting. The message to take away from all of this is that this moment in time is rare and we are being given the opportunity to change ourselves and change the world with a little bit of hard work and deep intention. Well worth the effort if we get to see peace unfold eventually. How grand that will be.

Thanks to:








8 thoughts on “Intense Energies Ahead…

  1. Wow.. Lots to digest among these links VK.. and I clicked a couple of them, and found March Energies to fit in with exactly how I am feeling right now… Here’s to New Beginnings, and releasing that which we no longer need..
    Love and Hugs.. Sue xox

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