Full Moon Time Again….

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Here we go again. The full moon is here and it is a good time to focus on ourselves and making sure we are living and being who we truly are meant to be. Here is the article. Enjoy! By the way, when I changed the header on this site just now, for some odd reason, switching pictures wiped out all my posts back to May 29th? So sorry about that. If I can get them back somehow I will. I just can’t imagine what happened. Like falling into a time warp. This odd happening chose to delete back to May 29th, my Simplicity post. I guess maybe that is a message for me…?

7 thoughts on “Full Moon Time Again….

  1. Pingback: Full Moon Time Again……. (A bit of Astrology!) – My Birth Right

  2. Happy Full Moon, VK!! And good luck retrieving your posts. If you are on an Apple product you can probably find your posts in the Cloud, if that helps you out any. Enjoy Mother and all She has to offer, a deep and complete Sanctuary in this crazed world. Blessings!! 💞

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    • Thanks AR….Right back at ya! Keep that howling low so you don’t wake the neighbors. I hope the energies are good for you to keep working forward…Its a real struggle at times but no TV propaganda helps immensely…Just keeping my hands in the dirt right now….Beautifying mother….have a good weekend my friend….VK ❤

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      • I am finally it seems doing more then dragging my exhausted self around as I get through what I must do. VERY very difficult phase I was in. This freeing light forward movement is a thrill to my soul. Its been too long since there has been a genuine smile on my face. I do have one now however. I have a post coming tomorrow that should have you both laughing and inspired. VK, tears sting these eyes. I am so grateful to be where I am today. 💕

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    • Excellent!! I look forward to reading it. I am so glad things are lightening up for you and smiles are returning 🙂 I have to agree with you on the heaviness of the times that we have just passed through. I think we are witnessing ourselves passing between dimensions. When we are in 5th everything seems so right on and then for whatever reason we plunge back to 3rd and are shocked by how we interact with it….It’s HEAVY!!!! Stay floating my friend, it’s better up there….Hugs…VK ❤

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  3. Happy Full Moon, Hollis! Hope you can locate your old posts: computer bugs can frustrate, but, as you say, maybe it’s pointing to a reminder/blessing…? 🙂 Hope all is well. We’re having a glorious late spring summer so far…heat and muggy weather is coming, of course. Hoping tornadoes give us a pass. 🙂 Love to you and your 4-leggeds. xxoo, Kitty

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    • Hey Kitty!!! Glad to see you. So glad the spring is being good to you. Tons of rain here making planting difficult so I am doing container gardening this year. At least I can drag everything in out of the rain. The flowers are just starting to bloom. Late but so appreciated after a white winter…Stay away from the tornadoes and give my best to Phillip and the 4 leggeds…I miss seeing your gardens on the blog. They were always so inspiring 🙂 Take care and love to you…Happy Summer….Hollis ❤

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