
I felt myself wanting to slip into negative thinking this morning when I woke up, I was tired physically and mentally I guess and it seemed easier to just give in to being in a slump, but no! I chose instead to sit down with paper and pencil and ask myself “What have I been learning on this journey into hell we have been on for the past three years now”?

1. I’ve been learning how to navigate being awake in the shattered reality of an asleep world. This is a very complex way of living now which involves wrestling with many new problems that need to be solved with outside the box thinking only! Reality as we knew it has been shattered and we are all standing barefoot on the razor sharp shards of that foundation as it crumbles away and shreds our feet. One looks about frantically to find a safe place to stand before falling, but there is none. It is time to release the old reality completely and step fully into the new, but it seems impossible at the moment. It’s like my feet are stuck in both separate realities. It is beyond challenging!

2. Unfortunately I have been learning about evil and how far it will go to maintain its control of humanity. One must be open to knowing the truth to be able to appreciate what I am talking about. So many times I have wished I were asleep and did not know what I know as it is incredibly painful, but I know that is a false desire for when the asleep finally awaken their pain will just be beginning. I do not wish that on anyone but it is what it is and we have to face what is coming our way. It’s why I keep saying to turn off your televisions and stop using your cell phones! You are being programmed into oblivion!

3. I am learning how to deal with the pain of loss. This is definitely one bit of learning I would rather do without but again, it is what it is. People are suddenly dropping dead all around the world and it will soon become so great nobody will escape knowing somebody who died. And yet the insanity continues, people continue to believe the lies and propaganda and so they remain unaware of what is taking place around the world. The silence is deafening. There is also the continuing loss of my fading reality, my freedom, my ability to be who I choose to be are being challenged. I must also not forget my loss of sanity in the world around me. It is filled with evil, satanic distortions, hatred and vileness beyond tolerating. I feel a great loss of truth that has been buried six feet under and covered over in cement. I feel extreme loss of love and compassion for one another in this bleak new world emerging. The list is long and heavy so I will not continue. Loss is an immense emotion to deal with, but we must. For now this is our job, our journey, learning how to deal with heavy issues like loss with as much grace as possible so that we may grow.

4. I am learning how to deal with the anguish of impatience and frustration! These have been the hardest emotions for me to deal with. Watching the world go up in flames and there is little I can do. I know intellectually that it has to be destroyed in order for a new world to rise out of the ashes, but emotionally it has twisted my heart into knots. I am a huge Justice for all freak so watching injustice play out on the worlds stage day after day has been devastating to tolerate. It’s like living in a world of nails scratching on chalk boards!

5. I am learning to embrace the bad times as well as the good. We have to experience them both in order to appreciate their difference. I no longer fight myself on days that are dark and hopeless. I do not avoid the pain for it is within that space that more learning can take place. Perhaps embrace is a strong word I used, but at least accept the dark times and allow yourselves to go into them, experience them and then LEAVE! Do not dwell within the bottomless pit. I try not to deny myself experiencing ‘all of everything’ as I like to say. It’s necessary to grow.

6. I am learning how to get around the boulders in the road and be resourceful. There are many obstacles being thrown in front of us and it is up to us to figure out how to get around them and keep on going forward. It requires thinking outside the box and it is imperative to wake up so you can think from that space where there are no restrictions. If you are still buying into the fantasy narrative the media is spewing forth everyday then you are still trapped in the box where thoughts are stifled and forbidden and free thinking can not happen.

7. I am learning faith as well. It may not shine and dance brightly in my life everyday, but it is always there tucked away where I can hopefully pull it out when needed most. I have deep faith that good will triumph over the evil terrorizing the world today, but it will require each and every one of us to open up our hearts and make every effort to be a good an honest person who has compassion for their fellow man and get out of the ME ME mindset the world has sunk into. Until we begin to CARE about one another and be loving to one another, nothing will ever change! They are teaching our children how to hate and we must become active and teach them the opposite! I have faith the masses will wake up and see the truth hiding right in front of them, but it will take patience! Not my best quality.

8. I guess I’ll end this by saying I am learning what matters most to me in life. We have been brainwashed into thinking we NEED things to complete ourselves and Corporate America continues to happily make THINGS day in and day out to distract our attention away from what matters most. What matters most is connecting back to ourselves, knowing who we truly are and what we want out of life. What matters most says a lot about who we are. Are we shallow and living in the materialistic world or are we deeper, more complex, more observant of the life around us? Do how many texts we send or clicks we get on the internet matter more than reaching out to give someone in need a helping hand? As humans we were given bigger brains but we are not using them to our benefit, instead we give them away to highest bidder and use them for indoctrinated thinking. So I guess I’d have to say one of the things that matters most to me would be my freedom to think and hopefully use my thinking to the betterment of all.

Stay true to yourself and do not lose faith! Open your heart and share some love! The world needs it. Stay strong and have the courage to share this experience! We are so blessed to be a part of saving the world.

Blessings and love to all ❤


Cosmic Weather Report…

By Soul Level Astrologer Mark Borax

Putney Mountain,Vermont

I explore the nature of a year by combining its main astrological feature(s) with its numerology and Oriental Animal. I see Pluto entering Aquarius as the main astrology feature of 2023, the Cat as its animal, and 7 as its number.

The last time Pluto moved through Aquarius was in the late 1700s, during the French and American Revolutions. On March 23 it reenters that sign, sounding the call for a new revolution that can benefit all of us rather than the citizens of a particular country, because we’re all stuck under the yoke of an obsolete and unjust system.

Aquarius is humanity’s urge to get past our surface differences to our underlying kinship. Through the ages, this unifying force has had the hardest time overthrowing the rule of tyrants. In today’s world, tyrants are harder to spot, because they’ve been subsumed into faceless corporations and monied interests which segregate people into separate identity clusters based on bigotry and fear. Pluto in Aquarius is asking us to break out of this obsolete model and dream of something bigger, better and more unified.

On January 22, we enter a year some Oriental countries see as Rabbit and others as Cat. I know cats much better so that’s how I see it. Cats are the animals that stay poised in rapt attention, with very sharp senses that tune into all movements in their environment. The cat in you is being summoned next year to drop out of your mind into your senses, tuning into your surroundings with keen acuity, asking What’s going on here? Who is this other one? What are they bringing me? Moving out of your head into the sharp senses of your body is the way of the cat.

2023 is a 7, number of The Test, in which life will keep asking who you are and what you’re doing until you can answer that question with certainty and soul, which requires a breakthrough out of social expediency to enduring self-knowledge. 

Put together, these three factors indicate a sea change in society, with Pluto in Aquarius calling the true human being to emerge from artificial separation, the Cat sharpening your instincts so you can leap into life, and the 7 testing your knowledge of who you are and what you’re doing. 
