The Battle….

It’s been a very long time since I’ve written down my thoughts. The world has been whirling around in such chaos, it has at times been frankly difficult to survive living in this warzone, but survive I did. I’m still trying to hold on with cramped fingers to not let go and fall into the abyss below. I’ve been watching this battle unfold since the late 1990’s so there is no way I can give up now despite how exhausting this journey has become.

The cold snows of winter have finally faded away as spring slips in with purpose bringing green growth to the trees again, colorful flowers begin to emerge and the birds have returned bringing with them happy songs and friendship.At long last the windows are now open welcoming in warm breezes that grab hold of the lace curtains billowing them out into the room. I can smell the perfume of fresh cut grass and the lilac trees in bloom. It is these times, these moments we must hold dear and allow them to steer our focus onto what is right in the world not what is broken and decayed. Our devoted focus on what is right is what secures our hope and faith for the future.

Way back in 1995 I was just beginning my battle to end Chemtrails now commonly renamed GeoEngineering. What a desolate time that was as the majority of people around me were deep in their comas and I was looked upon as crazy and labled a conspiracy nut so nobody would believe what I had to say. Now in 2024 I look around at all the dead and dying trees from the chemical assault from above all these years. It breaks my heart but at the same time I fnally understand why this battle I have been waging for 29 years has taken so long to unfold. The enemy I was up against was far larger and more implanted into the fabric of our life than I ever realized. But once again there is goodness within the evil. I just recently read that eight states have now banned Geo Engineering to take place over their states. Finally the sleeping society has awoken from its slumber and I am rewarded for my efforts with empowering validation. Yeah, I wasn’t so crazy afterall.

We must all wake up and find the courage to fight to end the war against humanity. It is real, it is happening right in front of us and it demands our pure focus and understanding to stop it. If people continue to be distracted by technology and propaganda the war will continue and we will lose! The battle may be long and arduous, but with faith we will reap our rewards through patience and determination.

I wish I had the energy to write more often what my heart is feeling, but for now that energy is more vital in fighting for what is right. I hope you all are finding your space in which to create your own desired reality rather than accepting the grim reality of the few seeking to control the story of humanity. You be the author and choose what world you wish to call home. Stand strong and and stand up for what you believe in!

Blessings and love to all ❤
