Time To Escape!

I’ve been watching and accessing what has been going on in the world lately and I just wanted to speak about some thing as best I can. First and foremost I hope we are all finally coming to the realization that we are indeed living in remarkable times. I use the word remarkable because we are experiencing things the world has not ever done before. We are on alien ground without a compass or directions and we are in the difficult end  stage of a war. We are exhausted, beaten down and brainwashed by lies being crammed down our throats day after day. Adolph Hitler’s sick Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels once said’ tell a big enough lie to the people long enough and they will believe it.’ This is what is going on today on a massive scale in main stream media. I don’t know how many people can understand that we are in the middle of a war for our minds. Whatever we choose to believe as a majority is what we will manifest as our reality and each side wants to win.  Scary thought indeed given all the insanity going on around the world.

People are being pushed into seeing the world as they are being told to see it through lies. Period! There is no place for free thinking in their world or thinking for oneself, there is no place for any questioning, there is definitely no room for truth! Truth is forbidden at all costs.  There is a strict narrative that must be followed in the dark’s quest for our minds and so that narrative is repeated over and over again until you know it by heart and it becomes who you are. Once this occurs you now will faithfully believe and never question what you are being told going forward and you now think the way they want you to think. There are those, however, who are awake and refuse to give up their minds, they will fight to the end for truth and they can never be recaptured and held prisoner ever again once they are awake. The war is raging right now and many do not even realize what is going on. It is time to take a step back and rethink who you are and what you believe in. Is it the truth or is it lies? It is now time to awaken, research and figure it out. Think for YOURSELF!  Good luck.

Blessings  to all,




I was just surfing around the news sites on the Internet and there are so many stories out there of panic because everything is falling apart. The latest story I just saw was this article about the number of stores closing and of course there is always panic over AI taking our jobs away. It is time to think OUTSIDE THE BOX! Stop looking at life the way it used to be, it’s not there anymore, we are rapidly changing and because of this, more than ever, we need to be rapidly changing our own lives and thoughts and perspectives. Yes stores may well be closing and yes AI is creeping into our lives and taking over jobs, but why must this be an end, something bad?

If we think outside the box and learn how to reinvent ourselves, our jobs, and our lives, we will adapt by doing something new to take the place of what is lost. Nothing ever stops completely, we are always moving and change is always underway, so we best accept this and learn to adapt. If we created our jobs and businesses before, we will do it again. If our skills are no longer needed as society moves forward then it is up to us to figure out what is needed NOW and go after that. Things become obsolete but that does not mean the end for something. No! We reinvent new ways of doing things, new ways of being, fulfilling new needs that arise as we move along. It’s not the end of the world as the main stream news would have you think. If you have a brain and know how to use it then you are all set. It’s time to recreate our reality and the reality that exists around us.

Articles like the one above are designed not to inform you but rather to scare you into seeing reality their way. No! We are smart and adept and able to see a bigger picture if we allow ourselves to and find the courage to take risks to get there. They want us to remain stuck where we are and become dependent on a way of life that is fast disappearing, but with some serious thinking and fresh ideas on life, we can plow ahead and find success in whatever we do if we just have courage and intent to succeed….

Nothing is truly ending! We just adapt and move forward. No need for Panic!!!

Blessings to all,
