Where Should I Start?

Maybe it’s the 93 degree heat that is frying my brain right now for the 3rd day in a row. It wants relief and that only comes from my writing and releasing what is inside. The state of the world today is so incomprehensible and so lacking in compassion and caring for one another, it’s hard to want to be a part of it at times. Yes it is very hard these days being totally wide awake to what is going on in the world and knowing and understanding the why and who is doing it. It has made for a very challenging and exhausting journey for 30 years. I don’t talk about it much, if ever, but I honestly can’t take much more of what is being done to humanity, without releasing what is already jamming my head and taking up space. It needs to be cleared out to make room for more clutter.

I’ve had the writing name Visionkeeper for many years now, but really I probably should have chosen something more like Knowledge Keeper. So often I think to myself how much I wished I didn’t know everything that I know. A lot of the time I like to know so I can be prepared to deal with whatever comes my way, but at this time with the way the world is, it is overwhelming to take it all in. Half the world is oblivious to what is really going on around them as the media has total control over the information being shoved at them 24/7 which today consists of pure fantasy. At times it can be terrifying to live with this knowledge when so many people around you see life as just another day. Nothing could be further from the truth. Do we even have truth anymore amidst the tsunami of lies? It is a lonely journey, a confining journey, a war torn journey, the Twilight Zone.

I’ve spent the last 30 years learning and collecting information. It began when my life was blown apart and I was suddenly thrust into wakefuless by the experience. It became a constant ‘knowing’ that followed me around everywhere I went. Everything I was learning was tucked away in my brain for safe keeping. I can’t tell you how much I wish I could empty it out and open the windows. It’s claustrphobic in there, but this is part of my mission as I see it. To keep the knowledge safe for future understanding of what we are experiencing as it is of the utmost importance. Reality has been hijacked and insanity now rules. It tends to twist your mind after a while.

I know there are plenty of people around the world going through the same nightmare, they are just few and far between. Well it’s getting better as the truth is getting out more quickly now and more and more people are waking up. I at least no longer feel like I am living on a nearly deserted island. Such a relief. It has made it very difficult, however, to write and try to communicate. A lot of minds are not ready or willing to hear and accept the truth and so it stays bottled up inside me. The truth of the world today is very shocking and very disturbing, but one must never give up faith.

I shall try to write more often but if I do not, perhaps you will understand why now. I used to write my blog almost everyday, but I can no longer do that. I miss it. I miss a lot of things that the new world has stolen from us, the truth being the biggest loss of all. We need to stick together and have each others back in the treacherous times ahead. It may well be very frightening at times as if we are spinning out of control. We are actually. It is so important to see the good in balance with the bad and to make it a part of our reality. Humanity is being given the opportunity to evolve. We can do this and we will. We just have to be strong enough to wake up and know what we are fighting for. Our lives and our freedom depend upon it!

Blessings and love to all ❤
