10 thoughts on “Solstice Full Moon….

  1. Crazy time VK, they are even saying the sun’s poles are about to shift (does it every 12 years or so), with this lead up with so much solar flares everywhere. I’ve found this cave in a cliff overlooking the ocean. Do you think I’m safe? 🤣❤️🙏

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    • Well Mark, unless you can seal the cave off completely, no safety there I’m afraid to say. If we end up in a nuclear war even if we do survive, do we still want to stay around on a planet of radiation? No its now up to us to fight for all this insanity to end and begin a serious walk with Creator….One of morality and compassion for all…Ditch the dollar and everything that money stands for and discover new ways to exisit in life that hold true meaning….This is turning into quite the ride. The tide is slowly turning now, however, and one can see new hope around the corner…Stay safe….VK ❤

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  2. Yes…. Lots of energetic shifts Thank you VK for sharing…. I feel we are gathering momentum… in some positive energies…
    Sending much love from us all here in England VK…. Enjoying the garden and the warmth when we get it lol.. 🙂 xx

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