Where Should I Start?

Maybe it’s the 93 degree heat that is frying my brain right now for the 3rd day in a row. It wants relief and that only comes from my writing and releasing what is inside. The state of the world today is so incomprehensible and so lacking in compassion and caring for one another, it’s hard to want to be a part of it at times. Yes it is very hard these days being totally wide awake to what is going on in the world and knowing and understanding the why and who is doing it. It has made for a very challenging and exhausting journey for 30 years. I don’t talk about it much, if ever, but I honestly can’t take much more of what is being done to humanity, without releasing what is already jamming my head and taking up space. It needs to be cleared out to make room for more clutter.

I’ve had the writing name Visionkeeper for many years now, but really I probably should have chosen something more like Knowledge Keeper. So often I think to myself how much I wished I didn’t know everything that I know. A lot of the time I like to know so I can be prepared to deal with whatever comes my way, but at this time with the way the world is, it is overwhelming to take it all in. Half the world is oblivious to what is really going on around them as the media has total control over the information being shoved at them 24/7 which today consists of pure fantasy. At times it can be terrifying to live with this knowledge when so many people around you see life as just another day. Nothing could be further from the truth. Do we even have truth anymore amidst the tsunami of lies? It is a lonely journey, a confining journey, a war torn journey, the Twilight Zone.

I’ve spent the last 30 years learning and collecting information. It began when my life was blown apart and I was suddenly thrust into wakefuless by the experience. It became a constant ‘knowing’ that followed me around everywhere I went. Everything I was learning was tucked away in my brain for safe keeping. I can’t tell you how much I wish I could empty it out and open the windows. It’s claustrphobic in there, but this is part of my mission as I see it. To keep the knowledge safe for future understanding of what we are experiencing as it is of the utmost importance. Reality has been hijacked and insanity now rules. It tends to twist your mind after a while.

I know there are plenty of people around the world going through the same nightmare, they are just few and far between. Well it’s getting better as the truth is getting out more quickly now and more and more people are waking up. I at least no longer feel like I am living on a nearly deserted island. Such a relief. It has made it very difficult, however, to write and try to communicate. A lot of minds are not ready or willing to hear and accept the truth and so it stays bottled up inside me. The truth of the world today is very shocking and very disturbing, but one must never give up faith.

I shall try to write more often but if I do not, perhaps you will understand why now. I used to write my blog almost everyday, but I can no longer do that. I miss it. I miss a lot of things that the new world has stolen from us, the truth being the biggest loss of all. We need to stick together and have each others back in the treacherous times ahead. It may well be very frightening at times as if we are spinning out of control. We are actually. It is so important to see the good in balance with the bad and to make it a part of our reality. Humanity is being given the opportunity to evolve. We can do this and we will. We just have to be strong enough to wake up and know what we are fighting for. Our lives and our freedom depend upon it!

Blessings and love to all ❤


13 thoughts on “Where Should I Start?

  1. Thank you for caring and sharing your knowledge and pain VK. As Miriam said, we need people to care and speak up. And I hope you can find ways to let go of the overcrowded thoughts and feelings. You deserve peace and love. I feel much of what you do, and believe that we will make more impact writing and living from a center of love Hugs. 🙏

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Brad…I’m sure most of us are on the same page with everything going on, it’s just tough at times to catch a break and see the sunshine through all the darkness. It’s why my readers are of such importance because we are sharing so much of the same anxiety within. Thank goodness we all have each other! Yeah, I hear you about the over crowded brain but I have accepted it. It’s part of my mission to record this time in humanities evolving so we know what happened, so we can learn and hopefully we can move forward in the future. Take care and thanks for your thoughts….VK 🙂

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  2. An interesting thing I found on this journey VK, is among the craziness, madness, disbelief and horror that this world has in spades, that their was a truth. And a very profound one. The meaning of it all is in just healing my own heart. I don’t mean it selfishly, but in a simple rule that Spirit has shown me over and over. I can only give from what I am. If I don’t heal me, then I only ever give of a damaged version of what I have become to that point.

    We are buried in guilt, doubts and fear in all our being brought up…and unintentionally I might add, because those that we love and look up to can only give of what they are…and when we are born and are raised by those people…they have not healed themselves yet so can only pass on that pain they still have within them. Hence when I say heal yourself first, in all those experiences we have…then we will heal others from that very beautiful and loving place.

    Just to give you an idea…if I asked you to repair a space shuttle, you know you have never experienced a repair for that so you haven’t got a clue. If I ask you to heal another, that too will be only up to what you have experienced in love. And all those experiences that this world gives is shining and polishing a very loving beauty from the empathy and compassion the give.

    So, yes, this world in all its hard, terrible, horrible things in all its shades of grey…IS giving us a beauty beyond words. Yes, it is hard, but it is perfect in exactly what it does. And yes, do you kind lady. Your heart aches and bleeds for what it see’s on a daily basis, simply because of how powerful the empathy and compassion you have created. You ‘feel’ so profoundly because of the love you have dared to stand in and it does become tiring and even a fatigue settles in from its constant battering. But beneath it all flows a beauty that no words can truly express.

    And ever in what you share, is a healing for many others in what you share. Never give up hope my friend, you will be surprised in what you share has given to another. In a word, a thought, a smile or even in your silence. It all can be felt by those many emotions in us all.

    Have a rest, let go the expectations of you or others and take a break, and dare to love you by doing so. I’ll wait for you…but not because I ‘expect’ you back…but because I ‘know’ you are loving you, in whatever choice you make.

    Big hugs kind lady, and thank you for sharing the care of a bleeding heart…because I know it can only bleed from the love you have already created. And for that, thank you for sharing that very love in all you have written.

    Thank you VK, always. Many an eye has been opened in what you have given 🤗❤️🙏

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Mark….You are so right…One cannot help or heal or care about another if we are so damaged we cannot feel such things for ourselves. Part of the grand deception we have been enslaved by was the notion that caring for ourselves was selfish…So we turned away from caring for ourselves and left ourselves on the steps outside the front door to be overlooked….I think it will be one of the greatest fallacies we have to get beyond, the fact WE MATTER and that should come first! Will we get there? Who knows but each of us can do that individually and eventually that will make a difference. I will still be posting my thoughts and observations. This post was mostly to try and explain my absence to my readers. There is no way I could leave my readers behind, they mean too much! So thank you and stay focused on you….We are all interconnected and nothing will break that bond. Take care and blessings to you….VK ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Keep on keeping on, VK! 🙂
    The strings being used for manipulation are now more visible than ever, so we may start to see them being cut soon! ✂️
    I’m taking a bit of a break myself right now. At the beginning of the year, I set myself a target to have an increase on my ‘stats’ from last year, but lately, and out of the blue, I thought why bother! Hence taking time away.
    That said, I’ve just come across an uplifting song that I’ve shared.
    But for now, it’s time to get back to my break (and back to sleep – it’s 3am here!).
    Enjoy your time away as best you can… but keep being the Visionkeeper!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks TL….I’ll keep writing from my heart maybe just not as often. I’ve been lax for quite a while now so I wanted my readers to hopefully understand my reasons for that. I hope you get back to sleep and stay rested….Thanks for your thoughts….VK 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Please don’t stop writing VK. Your visions, your knowing and your truth all need to be shared and shouted from the rooftops. Humanity is evolving but it needs people like yourself shining a light on all that’s true. Sending love and gratitude from my part of the world. ❤️🙏

    Liked by 4 people

    • Thank you Miriam…What a kind comment…I won’t stop writing completely, I just may continue to not write as often when things get heavy….But I’m not disappearing! There is no way I could not keep speaking truth in the hopes of waking people up. I love my readers and I want them to live with peace and truth. Thanks for sharing your heart ❤ I so enjoy your comments….Be well and stay peaceful within…..VK ❤

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