We Have Been In Training…



As I sit and observe everything going on in this crazy world today it occurs to me that humanity has been in training forever it seems, being pushed and directed by leaders to let go of our individuality! We are shown constantly that we must think and act like everyone else around us or risk being politically incorrect on so many levels. It is a subtle pressure always showing or telling us we should feel this or that, think this or that because it’s what everyone else should be doing to be accepted by the whole. Wrong! I urge everyone to break free and take time to reconnect with who you TRULY are while you still can, before your brainwashed thinking leads you too far astray to find your way back home. Individuality is slowly being bred out of us and that is very dangerous indeed. Our strength lies in knowing who we are but who are we if we are being told to be and think like everybody else? Like everything being used against us it is not only subtle and masked by supposed well-meaning ideas, it has been pounded into our heads for decades over and over until it begins to become our identity.

This behavior we have been engaged in unknowingly is stealing our identity and we are left floundering and wondering where we are going because we no longer know who we are. Take time to sit down with a pencil and paper and write down a list of who you are. Not a superficial list of information about gender, age, career etc. A list of what makes up who you are. What morals do you live by that you will never change? They speak volumes about who you are. Do your day-to-day actions match your morals or do you bend according to the moment? Do you know what sincerely means the most to you in life? Do you honor those things by being faithful to your hearts true desires? These are the questions we need to be asking ourselves and answering rather than allowing ourselves to be swept up in the politically correct brainwashing going on today.

I matter. You matter. We all matter. We are separate individuals with gifts to share with the world to make it a better place. Do you even know what your own personal gifts are? One has to know what they are before they can  share those gifts with others. We spend so much wasted time watching lies on television and incorporating them into our minds as facts but they are false! We have gotten caught up in believing we have to be like everybody around us or else we won’t fit in. Individual thinking is frowned upon forcing us to bury those thoughts deep within until we forget them. It is time to learn to LET GO of what is expected of us by societal demands and find the courage to be who we wish to be and think and say what we wish to think and say. Banish the fear to be yourself and embrace your sacred being on all levels. Enough of the insanity plaguing society. Free yourself by BEING who you wish to be.

Blessings and love…


8 thoughts on “We Have Been In Training…

  1. Yes, WE ALL Matter… and we have to speak our hearts and not be coerced into the media mindset of numbness and selfishness.. And once we break out of being told what to think and seek to find answers to questions for ourselves, we wake up to just how brainwashed we have become..
    Great thoughts VK.. and don’t let them grind you down.. ❤

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    • Thank you dear friend…..We do matter, every living one of us as well as the environment and all species of animals and reptiles…Everything matters and hopefully we realize this sooner rather than later as later is getting to be a dangerous time line ticking away dragging us further away from making necessary change. They will not grind me down DW nor will they you…We’ve been on this journey too long now not to see it to it’s end…A world of Peace! Hugs to you and love….VK ,3

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  2. YES YES YES!!! I give you a small story to encourage ALL of us. Just yesterday while speaking to my New Vet, she admitted to me she was BRAINWASHED in Vet school. I almost dropped the phone! I in turn admitted that I too once was brainwashed in nursing school but no more! People are waking up, VK! They are! And they are realizing the evils that have been pushed upon them. Oh for the Love of God! YESSSSS!!!!!! 🌟🌟🌟🌈🌈🌈💜💜💜

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