Dream Weavers…

I believe it is time to become Dream Weavers. It is we who must carry our visions and our beliefs for a better world. so that we can manifest it and become that reality. Let us learn to retreat from the nonsense that has stolen our attention and dream instead for a more compassionate reality. We can create anything we desire so I believe it is time for us to begin figuring out what kind of life we wish to live and then hold that dream in our visions and our hearts and feed that dream by believing in it.

I truly believe humanity desires to survive and evolve, so we need to believe we are worth saving and decide how we as a whole can improve our reality so we can become better human beings. We have been programmed to forget how powerful we are, now is the critical time for us to remember and use it. Become Dream Weavers and cast aside the mindless distractions of technolgy and use your minds instead to create a more loving and caring world by envisioning it, dreaming it, beliving in it and living it! Live your dream! Strive to become what you desire, be that loving and caring person you long to see in your dreams. Nothing can change until we are willing to change who we are.

We can do this!

Blessings to all ❤


5 thoughts on “Dream Weavers…

  1. Yes! So beautifully said VK. And I agree, if we can let go of the distractions, of the devices that hold us captive and open up to the beauty of nature and each moment and each other, we might just find a better world. To being Dream Weavers! ❤️🙏

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    • Ahhhh…Thank you Miriam. You are right on target. I wish we could spread the word as quickly as the fear seems to spread among the masses. That is a major task out of my reach I’m afraid. So cheers to being Dream Weavers. Maybe we will encounter a bit of magic to help us out along the way….Take care Miriam and thanks… VK ❤

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