Full Moon….

This can be a challenging moon as it triggers what needs to change and forces us to go deep within to access truth, resilience and creative inspiration in the face of external chaos, uncertainty and unexpected events. Even if you are not being outwardly affected, you will be influenced by the transformative aspect of this full moon.

On the heels of the last eclipse and still in the field of an expansive time of evolution with a strong theme of death and rebirth, we should all be looking at how we can reform our lives to be bigger and more aligned with our truth and authenticity. Not an easy time to be sure, but look for magic, miracles, opportunities and synchronicity to emerge once you make space for a new path. Stay in your own lane, look within for wisdom, and use your emotional intuition instead of what you think you know for choices and decisions. 

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8 thoughts on “Full Moon….

  1. Good advice of looking within and following our inner intuition… Lovely to see this post VK… I trust you enjoyed the eclipse my friend…
    As I look through my window this evening the Moon is full and clear skies for once.. Frost forecast, in our cool April ..
    I love how the reading says.. ” we should all be looking at how we can reform our lives to be bigger and more aligned with our truth and authenticity. “…. Amen to that VK…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi DW….

        Yeah, time to reimagine ourselves and create new lives…Tough times but onward we go. What an intense moon this was!!!!!!!!!! I am wondering if still being under the effects of the eclipse as well as Mercury Retrograde ending the same day all combined made it so intense? It was by far the most intense one I’ve encountered but I’m still breathing…

      Hope all is well over there. Take care and much love to you all <3 VK

      Liked by 2 people

      • Glad to hear you weathered the storm lol… And Yes some people felt it more than others, but its clearing and manoeuvring us all to get ready!… More will be incoming,
        Sending lots love love from all over here ❤ xx

        Liked by 2 people

    • Hang in there kind lady, it is pushing a few buttons but the amazing thing I have found is that the changes are quite noticeable instead of leaving us in a dark place. Understanding of something is a powerful thing, you see the ‘why’ and handle it much better. Big hugs my friend, keep breathing and know it is indeed taking us home to that place of love 🤗🥰😀❤️🙏

      Liked by 1 person

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