A Tale Of Two Worlds…

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I’m kind of going out on a limb here today in what I wish to speak about. I have been observing  some very disturbing dialogue swirling wildly about in the air these days  and I just feel compelled to address it. Mindless, belittling, destructive rhetoric is what is making day to day living so stressful these days. So much hostility, such cut throat behavior, and a frightening lack of compassion or insight. I know personally there are times when I was just shocked by what is happening to this country. I have tried to make sense of it but I am often left dumbfounded. I feel at times as if I am in the twilight zone. Not a whole lot of what is going on around me is making any sense to me at all. To try and make sense of this it has become my belief  that we are, at this moment in time, experiencing a revolution in human consciousness.  It is subtle in many ways but it is occurring. The crudeness being displayed by people has reached its peak and I believe most of us have had enough of it. We are choosing to stretch beyond this space in time to something better. When the people we hear talking trigger us in the wrong way, they are simply in a different dimension, in the sense our perceptions about life are radically different. It is like trying to communicate in a foreign language. There is little to no understanding verbally of what is being said. The same goes for different levels of consciousness interacting at times because we are on such different levels.

I believe many are finding it incredibly frustrating to deal with this increasing inability and wariness  to connect with people because of the political correctness narrative, but it need not be this way. Once we take the time to understand why people are doing what they are doing we can release that frustration. It is a grand lesson for us to learn that it is time to accept things for what they are. There is no right way or wrong way. This is a time when humanity is being called upon to take a giant step forward and rise above where we have been stuck for so long. It is time to breathe fresh air and embrace new thinking, to let go of what was and embrace what is. What is, is what is happening every second of every day, it is the now, it is where we get to experience real living  in connection with all that is. Many no longer remember how to stay connected with all the messaging we are barraged with daily dividing us all and driving us apart.  This is why nature is so powerful to our healing process, it offers calm and stillness that can soothe us . Nature will always connect with us and expects nothing in return.

We are living in that long talked about time of living in two worlds. What is being labeled partisanship seems to be in fact two sets of beings coexisting in different dimensions of consciousness. Again there is no wrong or right, there is only what is. So we find ourselves living amongst people we can’t relate to any more because we do not share the same levels of perception and understanding, people who think so radically different than we do, but coexist we must. It is our lesson to be learned, the lesson of how to coexist peacefully together as one. It makes me think of those flocks of birds who fly about switching directions together instantly. The spectacle cannot happen unless they are all on the same wave length.

Until that miraculous time we become one, we must learn how to disconnect from what brings us down and  create our own positive worlds in which to live and try to make the world better by starting with our own back yards. I was extremely moved by General Kelly’s speech yesterday in response to the vile attack on President Trump by that Congress woman from Florida and the respect and understanding he radiated out into the world. Immediately he was attacked by the other party and criticized and normally I would be outraged, but I see now it is just another case of the mindset of that other world, that other dimension. I’m just glad I am not stuck there with them. I choose to do my best to make the world a more cohesive, loving and peaceful place by my actions everyday.

As crazy as these times may seem, we must pay close attention because we are being taught important lessons we must master. We are so far astray right now, strung out on drugs and alcohol, killing one another, lacking essential morals and having no hope.  It is time to remember why we are here, who we are and what we need to do. The chaos is nothing more than a movie showing us where we are going wrong and it is up to us to figure out how to correct things and do it. It means we must pay attention and act if we wish to save ourselves. Everyday new information emerges about corruption and lies and we are all having our realities shaken to the core. Our foundations are crumbling away but we need not be afraid. This is all a good sign that major change is underway and where we go next is up to each of us. We can choose to live in a world of chaos or peace, lies or truth, division or oneness, hate or love. Thankfully we are given the gift of choice.

So please have no fear and learn to accept what is. It is not an easy thing to do but it certainly makes life flow more easily. We have been raised in a world where everything must be right and so we constantly struggle against ‘what is’ in our efforts to make it what we are told it should be to be right. It is what it is, good or bad! If it’s good rejoice, if it’s bad stay strong and look for the good hidden within it. It is always there to teach us. We only have ourselves to truly count on so we best make sure we are strongly connected within. Trust in yourself and eventually the world will trust in each other.

Blessings to all,


6 thoughts on “A Tale Of Two Worlds…

  1. I think you’ve nailed it, VK. We are so out of sync with each other we are tripping over ourselves and strangling the flow of a good existence. I’m noticing where some of these imbalances are and allowing them to affect me instead of leaving them where they are, as they should really have no bearing on me. Hopefully things will level out soon – or splinter again, but I really don’t think we need any more divisions..

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey there TL….Thanks! I just feel we have missed the boat long enough and now it’s time to move ahead and improve upon ourselves. Like by communicating perhaps! Maybe this is setting us up to move into mental telepathy at long last and leave the words and lies behind. There would be no secrecy, no lying, no painful ugly words…..A lot would change in our behavior I believe. We shall make it there one day to where we need to be. It is up to us to learn our lessons so we can shed them and lighten our loads.No more division for sure. It is time for unity in our hearts…..VK 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • I find it harder and harder to write these days as words somehow just get in the way of what I want to say. Words have been hijacked by political correctness and nobody dares speak any longer, Maybe this will force us to discover new ways to communicate…..Take Care TL….VK 🙂


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