I Am Me….

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I’ve been trying lately to  deal with all that is going on around me, but I must admit at times I feel deep frustration when I watch and listen to people these days. After working very hard for years now to awaken people and offer them a more positive perspective to live their lives by, to see such a large segment of society thinking with such a time worn mindset, it both saddens me and disturbs me. Are we ever going to get this right? Talk about the classic  Sampson vs Goliath scenario. Not only are there huge mountains  for us to climb over such as Government & Corporations, these people today fight dirty. It’s all we’ve been privy to lately. People attacking people, criticizing one another, name calling, deliberately trying to destroy each others lives. Really? It is such a huge disgrace! We have gone so far backwards in our evolution. We need to aim ourselves in a new direction, as a whole. It is time to support humanity in making its long-awaited shift to higher consciousness, because it is greatly needed!

I am tragically aware of what television is doing to  people’s thinking and logic now. What is most troublesome is the fact so many people don’t even realize what is happening to them. If they did they wouldn’t be putting up with what is going on. They need to know A.S.A.P.  I bet I write five or more emails every week to Senators, Congressmen and yes even the President and I express my complete views, not just complaints but suggestions for fixing these problems. This is what is so sorely lacking today. Nobody has insights on how to move forward and correct our mistakes so we just keep making the same ones over and over again. You can never ask someone to leave their comfort zone and jump into the unknown. It will never work. They need support, guidance and inspiration. We all need to have some sort of idea of what comes next, a common direction we can all follow, together! Once we establish this we can move to phase two!

I write all of those emails because regardless of whether they listen or not, they need to hear from the people. Remember that old saying the squeaky wheel gets the oil? If we remain silent about what is happening to this country, it gets assumed we all agree and go along with what is taking place. Silence can be deadly! I profoundly disagree and they will hear about it. At the same time our supposed leaders remain defiant against change, defiant of thinking in new and more expansive ways, their egos have determined their beliefs about matters and nothing is going to sway them. They are stubborn, dug in and blind to who we truly are and where we should be going. The lust for power, money and control have taken over and the real purpose of why we are all here has been long forgotten by design.

It is time to revive our true purpose for being here and express that purpose with pride and belonging. It is time to stop just partaking in our lives and begin honoring them and living them to their fullest. I would venture to guess if asked, most people couldn’t honestly say they were living the life they wanted. It is time to do so. It is time for us to find the courage to demand our lives back by quiet resistance. We humans have had our inspiration and desires silenced, life has lost its magic and our imaginations have been tamped down, almost to non-existence. Schools are dumbing down our children and are discouraging them from thinking for themselves, to imagine, desire, hunger for or have an opinion about. Science need not figure out ingenious ways to build robots for their AI future, our schools are raising them up and spitting them out in record numbers.

So what is our true purpose? To figure out who we are fully, what can we offer the world that will benefit everyone, how can we create peace with one another and finally understand the power of love. We are meant to be living our lives in harmony not war, but those ego driven lusts of politicians won’t even try to do things differently. Well if they won’t, then we must! We need a direction in which to go, we need guidelines by which to live the I Am Me life and we need a strong desire to create change in the world. We cannot afford to sit quietly in the dark any longer while the world implodes. The change can begin with us, by living our own life as WE desire and it can spread out to others. We have to be willing to take the risk of stepping across our comfort zones and daring to be ourselves. If you like to write then please write to Washington and let them know what you feel. Let your voice be known.

We had the so-called ‘me too’ movement, the ‘black lives matter’ movement,  but what happened to the ‘I am me’ movement demanding our freedom? If those other movements can make an impact, so can we. The main stream media won’t help our cause because it goes against their agenda, so we will once again have to be creative in how we get the word out.  For example:To live my ‘I am me’ life I choose to be kind and giving and compassionate. I choose to live by truth and only truth in my world, I choose to be of service to others when in need, I choose to live my life with high morals and be respectful of all others, and I choose to believe the universe is there for me. I choose to live with love in my heart not hate. If a whole lot of people were choosing to live the life their soul wants them to live,  the world would begin to balance out I think.The discord is coming from not being who we are or doing what we were meant to do.  Lets give being the best we can be a try. It sure can’t hurt.

Blessings to all,



Prepare Yourselves….

Okay everybody…We have a major magnetic storm headed our way so just know if things get wonky it is not you! It’s the energy from this solar event. So take things easy, get sleep and stay calm…Being informed on all fronts help us on our way through life! What we understand we can accept.