
I was shoveling snow today after the storm began to let up and was thinking about the state of the world right now as I was keeping busy. I know what is wrong with the world, but I instead of thinking about that, I asked myself what was right with it. Good question. We are all so trained to see the bad, to take note of what is wrong, to dwell in those thoughts and as a result, our essence suffers for we are only living from half of our life. In order to live a full life that is balanced we must be able to live life through seeing what is right with the world instead of always seeing what is wrong. Something many people have not had much experience in doing. That in itself is tragic. Our minds got hijacked a long time ago!

Every day we are faced with negative, hostile and damning rhetoric. Non stop it’s all about hate; hate Trump, hate the conservatives, be defiant, get ugly. Over and over the rhetoric is like a sick drum beat pushing us along. We must not listen to this garbage any longer, it is driving us into the ground. We are falling apart and losing direction, we are putting up our own walls and separating ourselves from others we do not agree with.  If everyone just turned off their t.v. sets and made it a challenge to spend each day taking notice of what is right in the world, in our lives instead of what is wrong, our mindsets would begin to shift. It just takes us being vigilant and opening our minds beyond the closed prisons we have been trapped in. Life is rich and mysterious and there is so much for us to learn if we just get out of our own way and change how we think.

Blessings to all,



6 thoughts on “Thoughts…

  1. Sounds like your winter is well under way with your snow VK.
    “It just takes us being vigilant and opening our minds beyond the closed prisons we have been trapped in.” So true..
    Sending well wishes your way VK.. Hope you are well? We are both fine, Hubby sends his regards too.
    Much love your way dear VK.. ❤
    love DW ❤


    • Hurray!!! Your comment alert came in my email thankfully so all is well….It’s been crazy weather. We had days and days of below freezing temps then got that snow storm( 18″) and today we are getting pouring rain and 49 degrees! Tonight of course goes down to 20 so we will now be blessed with sheets of ice for a driveway and crusty snow to slow the poor deer down…Just nuts! But if you think about it, That in itself is a form of change and we want change!!! However we can get it. The lessons are tough to learn on this journey right now, but so necessary to get our attention I guess. I have no idea where what lies ahead for humanity, but I have faith enough of us will see the light and eventually the rest of humanity will follow us and connect the dots of truth. We are just following our missions as best we can. Glad all is well with you and hubby….Hope your time to ‘you’ has been wonderful and centering…Sending love your way…VK ❤

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      • Happy you got the alert to my comment lol.. WP goes in fits and starts, and it appears its the way of the world at the moment. 🙂
        Thankfully our weather is milder again this week, 10 C again, yet it was minus 2 C the other day, so up and down, but no snow which is a blessing.
        And yes we just follow the flow, knowing ALL is meant, even the chaos, being prepared in our own minds is what counts, and I found myself under pressure as we are constantly bombarded with Brexit 24/7.. You too have the government shut downs and crazy stuff happening..
        I have been following some the proposed disclosures, which have only supposed to have been happening since 2011, and wonder if anything will ever come to light. But even this is all meant and will when and if it is meant to..
        Sending LOVE my friend, and thank you for being there.. Love DW ❤

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    • I can’t even follow what is going on anymore. Who wants to follow insanity? I live in my own world and I concentrate on surviving and hopefully one day soon being able to enjoy life again. Hard to do when you are trying to survive. Soon spring will be upon us again and seeds will be planted and new life will begin. I think we need to stay focused on this instead…I know you must be getting itchy fingers longing for soil. Stay at peace DW and keep doing what you are doing. It becomes you 🙂 Sending you lots of love and all the best to hubby….Happy weekend….VK ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes the seeds that were ordered from the allotment association have arrived, and planning is already underway as to where we plant what this year. I have trimmed back on WP no end..
        I will be painting more and I have been scrapbooking putting very old family photos together for a future Christmas present to our daughter who will appreciate the history.. ❤ Take care of you and you do right too.. Its very insane out there at this time.. ❤

        Liked by 1 person

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