My Thoughts On New Years Eve… Source:

Music to read by below:

I most likely ruffled a few feathers here on the Blog with my post on Christmas. I probably sounded like Scrooge to some of you, others understood my message. Well I guess I am going to do the same thing with New Years Eve…I really am not down on either one of these occasions, I just choose to try to see things from as many perspectives that I can. Here is my observance of New Years Eve. Are we really so disconnected that we blindly go into this holiday with our bubbly and midnight kiss to celebrate? What are we celebrating? The new year ahead you say. Okay, but why would you want to celebrate another year of oppression, cheating, stealing, propaganda and lies? That is like celebrating another year in prison. Perhaps it is time to change our approach to this day of the new year. If we are honestly awake, then why would we desire to celebrate our slavery? But in all honesty,  many do, don’t they? All those parties and Bling!

These are actually good times for us to be recreating these moments in time. Take Christmas and New Years, how can we change what we are celebrating and change how we celebrate this time as well? Give it a more profound and honest meaning. Just as we have begun to lessen our mad frenzy shopping for mindless things to give people on Christmas and have become more simple and meaningful, New Years could be looked upon and observed differently as well. Instead of the old way, we could honor a new world new years, a new way of being with the world. Quiet and respectful celebrations for the wonder of life, all we have to be grateful for and a universal prayer for peace and love in the year ahead at midnight. We could spend moments observing how we wish to live, who we wish to be and how we can make ourselves more pure and worthy, instead of yelling along with blaring horns and mayhem and blindness.

Just because we fell into the trap set out to capture us doesn’t mean we can’t reinvent ourselves and set ourselves free! It just takes breaking the spell the old ways have over us and taking the giant leap into being a new way in a new world. Courage is what we could all use. These leaps are not always easy to make by any means, but leap we must. Do you honestly want to go through another year more of what we have all been put through? It is time to free ourselves and be willing to embrace new ways of seeing things and new ways of doing things and new ways of being. Trial and error. Hopefully we are all staying busy creating the new world, and soon we will begin to reap our rewards. Until then, hang on even as the waters of life begin to rage and toil because at the end of this white water ride are quiet pools of water to float quietly along  on and take a rest.. Have faith! Not hope, but FAITH. A big difference. How will you honor the New Year to come? Just a thought to ponder.

Blessings to us all, now and always,


6 thoughts on “My Thoughts On New Years Eve…

    • Thank you Kate! Yes we will continue to battle onwards and upwards and hopefully will gain our freedom soon as a result of our efforts. I sure hope so.
      Have a wonderful and gentle new year. Hugs to you Kate….VK ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Happy New Year, VK!
    Yes, I agree. Still celebrate, but celebrate differently! Make the special occasions special by making them different! Keep what you like, change what you don’t, and grow, grow, grow!
    Here’s to a fantastic 2016!


    • Ah TL….You said it perfectly in your comment. This is what the long awaited new world is all about. We made it up to the new world door and now we’re going in!!! I wish only success and enlightenment for 2016!!! Remember that website I turned you onto where you choose one word to live by for the year ahead? I think we should adopt the word “GROW” and go for it! All the best my friend…VK 🙂


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